It was about time to bring this page back to its original roots. All through high school, or at least since I first put this page up, it was home to Willendorf Venuses. Well the Venuses are back and this time they are my own creation. The original Willendorf Venuses were a fertility statue or charm carved by Cro Magnon man and his relatives. I like Willendorf Venuses because they celebrate the female body in a way that Barbie and Madison Avenue and all those women's magazines fail to do. If a Willendorf Venus bothers you, think of your own attitude toward your body. Well I'm one semester into my third term at Dartmouth and this fall I am on break. In a week or two I'll start working for a design/engineering office in DesMoines and living with alums called the Crosbies. I'm not thrilled about this because I'd rather be in the east wtih my boyfriend, Ithamar. Right now I'm using my time off to visit my boyfriend and family. I would visit my mother, but California is too far away and my dad is still in the house in North White Plains where I grew up. My half sister, Wisam, is there along with another half sister, a stemother who is not all bad, and my dad of course. This was not a great situation when I was fifteen, but at nearly twenty years old the world looks different. Anyway, Wisam is watching me revise this web page so a shot out to her.
I detest spectator sports. Sorry, they bore me to tears. My politics is left of center and I positively loathe US imperialism. We need to get out of Iraq and the soooner the better and don't expect me to go gushing all over the military. They protect the interests of the empire and not my freedom.
I still take in an occasional movie though I find myself more a producer of content than a consumer. If you are interested, I am the CoJanitor for this team at The Webleagues and my Aunt Thadea is the manager for this team at the Golden Elite. I am part of a site fighting family and boy does that feel good. If you haven't tried web site competitions yet, give them a try today. Webleagues is not fighting until September 5th but the Golden Elite goes all summer long.
Oh well, come Monday, Labor Day, fighting resumes at the Webleagues, and I am on a new team. It is the one run by the founder too. Here is my big not-so-ugly vote banner.
Haldis K. Guerrin
Here are Your Links
Get dragged kicking and screaming into my poetry lounge. I've still got my old blog at the Fig Tree. A now outdated Webleagues spirit page that was done using charcoals. Utterly Unrepently Unsupportive is as current as ever And this topsite called Between the Storms is still around and my web page is still in it. And how can I forget Caltha and Typha's Cbyer Succah And yes, please visit and join The ArtLeagues where I'm CoJanitor Fine External LinksThe War Resisters League still around and still with a headquarters right near Ground Zero. for the best war news around and good commentary too. And if military recruiters are bothering you, get the facts at Military Free And for the parents we have Leave My Child for solid political and media commentary. Counterpunch is another great commentary site. And of course we have Le Monde The Willendorf Song -- Sing Along
Willendorf girls
H. K. Guerrin |