Thadea's Family Gateway

My daughter, Caltha, would like to make a special announcement: This page is guarded by mean, nasty, and vicious komodo dragons. If you are thinking of doing anything bad, the dragons will spit on you, bite you, and eat you alive, so be good!

a big nasty, vicious, komodo dragon

Here is where I am going to connect all my family-related pages. The sidebar is just getting too crowded and cluttered. My daughters now have a blog so their page stays relatively up to date. My husband still does not have a page. What??? He needs a page. I'll be fixing that some day. I think...

What is Here Now!
Typha and Caltha have their own Straw House. Don't go inside unless you're prepared to obey the rules niece, Haldis has her own web site. Please visit it. And Haldis' boyfriend has a web site, only it's not working. His provider crashed on him. Poor Ithamar. My Aunt Orelle also has a web site. You can go there too.
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Trailer main page.
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Song is called Triplet Pre-emergent by Rusty Redden. Please click to play.

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