industrial strength spirit

Note, there is a newer version of this spirit page with awards from my new team on it. Please check it out.

I just want everyone to know that I'm a member of the Golden Elite, the web's friendliest competition. I've tried other competitions and been less than happy but even though my team is small, I love the Golden Elite because their staff take care of their fighters. They send real email instead of form leters and even fighters in the intro round get to see how many votes their site gets. I guess Sahara Elite, the manager, and Elite Fantasy, my team manager, think we are old enough to know and make good use of the information. I figure if I get creamed, it is just motivation to go out there and get more supporters.

Golden Elite teams each have a single pass ballot that uses a checkoff so you can cast extra votes without having to go back to the ballot multiple times. This means I can be a generous voter and vote for people with whom I'm not exchanging votes. Yes, I know some of us do that anyway, but at Golden Elite, they make it even easier and aren't competitions supposed to be about friendliness? The Golden Elite truely puts its money where its mouth is.

My team, School is a small one but I like it because I can fight for it and not feel that I'm lost in a crowd. It is also a great team for those whose sites don't have a lot of cutesy mush stuff on them, though cutesy sites are welcome too. Please check them out. You might feel right at home there. Because you need to exchange votes, you won't feel lonely on a small team and the manager, TeacherElite is friendly. She even puts up with me.

So whether you're looking for a first competition or a new one, give Golden Elite and School Daze a try. You'll be glad you did.

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Please send me email.

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